Friday, April 23, 2010

Foto Scanning Mikroskop Elektron..

MENAKJUBKAN!!.. Foto Scanning Mikroskop Elektron.. Penyebab Demam di Britania [FULL PICT].. Gambar-gambar yang luar biasa mengungkap mikroskopis butir serbuk sari yang menimbulkan penderitaan demam pada jutaan manusia setiap tahun. Gambar-gambar – yang diambil dengan menggunakan scanning mikroskop elektron – menyoroti berbagai hal menakjubkan yang tak terlihat serbuk sari yang melayang di udara.
Musim demam biasanya mulai di bulan Maret atau April ketika tepung sari pohon rilis pertama tahun ini. Sekitar empat juta orang rentan terhadap serbuk sari pohon – terutama dari pohon birch. Ash, oak dan pesawat London juga dapat memicu reaksi yang tidak menyenangkan.
musim demam penuh biasanya tidak pergi sampai bulan Mei, ketika rumput mulai menyerbuki. Hampir 95 persen di Britania dari 15 juta penderita demam alergi terhadap serbuk sari rumput. Tertunda akhir musim semi awal musim demam jerami oleh beberapa minggu. Namun, kedatangan udara hangat, cuaca cerah telah mulai memicu hidung beringus, mata gatal dan pilek, terutama di kalangan penderita demam Britania selatan.
Pollen from a Forget-me-not petal. The grains are some of the smallest found measuring just 0.006mm.
Ball of fire: Acanthus pollen
Pollen from an Alder: Using a vacuum chamber, Swiss photographer Martin Oeggerli is able to bounce an electron beam off the pollen grain’s surface and map out perfectly its tiny features
Purple patch: The minuscule blue pollen of the violet forget-me-not
It may look like a pink UFO, but this is a pollen from the Persian silk tree Albizia. They are 15 times larger than those on a Forget-me-not
A grain of pollen from a willow tree, which has become stuck between flower petals. This one will die but others will be carried by bees to other plants
The pollen from a Malve flower: The grains are between 1.5 and 10 hundredths of a millimetres across – making them too small to see with the naked eye
Spot on: The pink-flecked green pollen grains of a Venus Flytrap
Pollen from a Pistia: Hayfever occurs because plants need to transfer pollen by wind and insect to fertilization and reproduce
Star of the show: Yellow geranium pollen on a starfish-shaped stamen
Scaling the heights: Bromelia pollen
The usual suspects: Pollen comes in many sizes. The pumpkin pollen grain in the middle is 0.2mm and just about visible to the naked eye
Double trouble: Smooth pollen from the pine tree
At first glance they look like sea shells. But this is in fact pollen from a Lilly
sumber : daily mail


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